Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I'm Beached As Bro

The kiwis really like to relax, so spring break isn't just one week, like in the USA, but two full weeks of splendorous rest! Last weekend yielded an amazing traverse northeast to Waihi Beach with a group of really fun people: the retreat was called "Beached As," named after a funny YouTube video an Aussie made to mock the Kiwi accent. It's going on the Lise' List of Favorite Weekends because it not only included lots of coffee drinking, but heaps of gaming, music, sandy beaches and deep, challenging conversation.

As far as coffee goes - being a barista the last 2 years of my life means nothing. All the names for the different types of coffee's are different! I've come to find the "flat white" as a great and tasty energy boost - it's sort of like a latte, but STRONGER! Sounds good, eh? Here's what your average Flat White will look like (yes, they always have cool designs in the foam)!

What kinds of games did we play, you ask? Well for starters, if you've ever played the card game "spoons" before, you know it can get bloody intense. And I literally mean bloody, because you don't go into a real game of "spoons" and come out completely unharmed, haha! Next in order was a three hour long game of Capture the Flag, where I proceeded to go to jail at least 19 times. Other fun stuff included a beach-themed walk-off, where you flaunted an awesome costume by dancing in front of about 50 people - can you say awesome? Ya. Awesome. (Try saying that with a kiwi accent, it is hilarious).

But don't worry, I'm not having too much play and no work. Classes are challenging, but in a wonderful way. I've continued to write for The Lumberjack while I've been here and it sounds as though my conservative articles stick out like a sore thumb, which is what being an Opinion writer is all about! You know you're doing your job when you're riling people up (of course this doesn't go for all jobs, be careful)! Haha. I even wrote a song since I arrived. If you care to listen, check out my Myspace page at

Side note: I have a new favorite spot on campus that I've named the Pond for Pondering. Here are some photos I took/edited-up for your viewing pleasure :)


Well that is all for now friends and family. I am off to meet some long-lost/long-distance family in Wellington this weekend, can't wait. More updates to come.



  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE these pix!!!! You are so talented!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to see this spot live!

  2. hahaa! i know what you mean when you say that spoons can get bloody! i almost got a concussion once... and i drove my nails into someone once causing them to bleed. lol i guess i'm what you could call "competitive". hahaa! sounds like you're having so much fun though! can't wait for you to come back with a slight accent and learn new things you've picked up from down under :)

    ♥ juls

    (it wouldn't let me say who it was at first so i just added it at the end. lol i'm clearly still working on getting used to this site. hahaa)
